Lobo Hemp - Glass Jar - Special Sauce 3.5g

UPC: 860001851762

Category: Hemp Flower

Description: Prepare to be uplifted, relaxed and focused – without any of the “trippy”, “racy” or “anxious” feelings associated with THC dominant flower! Lobo Farms presents the finest sun-grown organic flower in Oregon – the same high-potency, high-quality materials we use in all of our hemp pre-rolls and hemp cannagars. Upon opening the package, prepare to be pleasantly surprised – the terpene content is as high if not higher than what you are used to consuming. Those terpenes, and all of the other cannabinoids present, combine with a super high 13-20% CBD dose to make for a perfect experience, every time.

  • Potencies: 0  THC| 0  CBD
